

  • fastfoodLet's CookIt

    All-in-one web app helping busy people retrieve cooking recipes.

    • The user can either read or watch their selected recipe and take notes all in one page.
    • Tools & languages applied: HTML5, CSS3, SASS, Bootstrap, Awesome Fonts, JavaScript, jQuery, Firebase, Edamam API, YouTube API
  • restaurantHome Sweet Cookin'

    Full stack web application whose purpose is to connect home cooks specializing in various cuisine types with busy individuals searching for genuine homemade meals.

    • Home cooks can create and manage their account by adding their specialty cuisine type and the different meals they cook along with prices.
    • Cooks are rated on a 5 point system, assuring the consumer what they can expect.
    • A user searching for homemade food can narrow down a cook by cuisine and location based on their zip code and city.
    • Tools and languages used: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Materialize.CSS, Handlebars.js, Heroku, JawsDB, Node.js, Express.js, mySQL, Sequelize.js, esLint.js
  • group_addFriend Finder

    Full-stack web application that helps you match with a compatible user.

    • Using a short survey of 10 questions, this app will calculate your most compatible match based on your answers.
    • Tools & languages applied: HTML5, CSS3, Materialize.css, JavaScript, jQuery, Node.js, Express.js, JSON
  • tvThe Simpsons Trivia

    Trivia game web app to test your knowledge on the popular TV show “The Simpsons”.

    • There are 10 questions the user has to answer in order to finish the game and view the results.
    • Tools & languages applied: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery
  • memoryLIRI

    Language Interpretation and Recognition Interface

    • Command Line Interface program to quickly search for upcoming music shows, song and movie information.
    • Information requested by the user is displayed in the terminal and logged to a .txt file.
    • Tools & languages applied: Node.js, axios, moment.js, DotEnv, Bands In Town API, Spotify API, Open Movie Database API

About Me:

Born in El Salvador and raised in Chicago, I am proud to be multicultural in the melting pot of the world.

I received an Associate's Degree in Engineering Science from Wilbur Wright College in 2011. I co-founded and operated a small business for over 4 years specializing in repairing consumer electronics such as smartphones, computers and tablets. In 2019, I completed a full stack web development boot camp provided by Northwestern University School of Professional Studies. Currently, I am employed by Locusview in Chicago, Illinois.

During my free time, I like to stay active, play basketball, skateboard and fiddle with electronics. I also love traveling and attending concerts & sports events!